日本三弦 (ETA103)
This program explores the intriguing world of Japanese traditional music through the Shamisen. Tsugaru Shamisen is a kind of shamisen, a three-stringed musical instrument similar to a guitar. Characterized by thicker strings and neck, it is played by plucking the strings with a thick, heavy plectrum. The tone it produces is sometimes quite delicate but may also be strong with "kakegoe" (pitched shouts) like "O-rya!" and "A-rya!" Participants will have a unique chance to also experience Okinawa shamisen.
日本文化体验 价格表
参加人数 | 1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
Additional fee over 5people (every person) |
90分 | 10,000 |
14,000 |
18,000 |
22,000 |
+4,000 |
* Usually the meeting place is the nearest station. Pick-up and return services are also available. A guide can meet you at your hotel upon request. Though we recommend taking public transportation so you will get to know the metropolitan area better, we can arrange a taxi or hire with you. Pick-up rate is 3,000 yen for 1 group each way within 45 minutes (1,500yen for every additional 30 minutes). Transportation costs are not included.
Application Procedure
Step1: Please send the following information to china@ijcee.com.
1. Desired program name 2. Desired date and time 3. Number of participants (including children) 4. Group leader's name 5. Group leader's nationality 6. With or without pick-up
Step2: True Japan Tours will reply and inform whether or not the program is available.
Experience Report
Shamisen/Koto Experience, Spain'09
"Wagokoro"-Japanese heart