日本琴 (ETA104)
This program explores the intriguing world of Japanese traditional music through the Koto. The Koto is a traditional musical instrument (like a harp but horizontal) which has 13 strings and is played with finger picks on the right thumb, forefinger, and middle finger. It is characterized by its changing beautiful tone and lingering echo of sound. There is a lot of Western-style inspired koto music due it’s variety of chords. The Koto is sometimes played in jazz sessions. In this program participants will have a unique chance to learn and play a simple piece.
日本文化体验 价格表
价格表 (每组/日元 税前价格)
参加人数 | 1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
Additional fee over 5people (every person) |
90分 | 10,000 |
14,000 |
18,000 |
22,000 |
+4,000 |
* Usually the meeting place is the nearest station. Pick-up and return services are also available. A guide can meet you at your hotel upon request. Though we recommend taking public transportation so you will get to know the metropolitan area better, we can arrange a taxi or hire with you. Pick-up rate is 3,000 yen for 1 group each way within 45 minutes (1,500yen for every additional 30 minutes). Transportation costs are not included.
Application Procedure
Step1: Please send the following information to True Japan Tours at china@ijcee.com.
1. Desired program name 2. Desired date and time 3. Number of participants (including children) 4. Group leader's name 5. Group leader's nationality 6. With or without pick-up
Step2: True Japan Tours will reply and inform whether or not the program is available.
Experience Report
Shamisen/Koto Experience, Spain'09
"Wagokoro"-Japanese heart